Privacy Policy

Australian Privacy Principles

SSB Pty Ltd T/A DreamStart Homes (ABN 71 055 245 308) (DreamStart Homes) is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). DreamStart Homes collects, stores, uses and discloses Personal Information in accordance with Australian Privacy Principles.

Privacy of DreamStart Homes’ Clients and Contractors
DreamStart Homes collects and holds Personal Information about its prospective clients and clients.

Types of Personal Information

Personal Information collected by DreamStart Homes generally comprises of names, address, date of birth, gender, marital status, occupation, contact details and limited financial information.

DreamStart Homes collects Personal Information whenever a prospective client or client makes a query or request to DreamStart Homes in respect of a product or service provided by DreamStart Homes. DreamStart Homes collects its this information with the consent of the client.

How We Use Your Personal Information

DreamStart Homes collects Personal Information to enable it to:

  • Provide its clients with the products and services that they request;
  • Provide newsletters with relevant information, products, services or upcoming promotions
  • Provide relevant information to contractors to assist DreamStart Homes to provide the products and services requested by the client;
  • Comply with any Legal obligations, including dealing with local authorities;
  •  Maintain DreamStart Homes client relationship.

In addition, where it is necessary to do so, DreamStart Homes may provide Personal Information to its solicitors.

DreamStart Homes also holds information about contractors and consultants who do work for DreamStart Homes from time to time, and from those who seek an employment or contractor relationship.

Applicants for an employment or contractor relationship with DreamStart Homes agree to provide DreamStart Homes with all reasonable information relevant to their application, including information required for Occupational Health and Safety reasons. DreamStart Homes will destroy this information within a reasonable time if an employment or contractor relationship does not result.

Managing Your Personal Information

DreamStart Homes holds this Personal Information in a secure fashion and, other than as set out above, will not usually disclose this information to anyone else without the consent of the individual. If DreamStart Homes at any time has reason to believe that any unauthorized person has gained access, or is likely to gain access, to Personal Information, it will immediately carry out an investigation, take all necessary steps to prevent such access and will notify both the individuals affected and the Information Commissioner.

DreamStart Homes is not likely to disclose Personal Information to recipients overseas.

Where DreamStart Homes has received unsolicited Personal Information, DreamStart Homes will, as soon as practicable, but only if it is lawful and reasonable to do so, destroy the information or ensure the information is de-identified.


Individuals may request access to their personal information stored by DreamStart Homes. Individuals can apply for access by making a written request to the General Manager of DreamStart Homes. DreamStart Homes will respond to the request for access within a reasonable period after the request is made, and subject to the exceptions contained in the Australian Privacy Principles, will give access to the information in the manner requested, if it is reasonable and practicable to do so. DreamStart Homes will retain Personal Information until it is no longer needed, but for a minimum period of 7 years or other such period as required by any statute, after a person has ceased to be a client, a contractor or an employee, after which time, DreamStart Homes will destroy the Personal Information.


Should an individual have a complaint about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, they may lodge a complaint with DreamStart Homes by phoning the General Manager on 6314 3444. DreamStart Homes offers a free internal complaint resolution mechanism, and will conduct an investigation of the complaint, and provide a written report on the outcome of that investigation, including any recommended actions. If the individual is not satisfied with the complaint investigation conducted by DreamStart Homes, the individual may seek to have the complaint resolved externally. For more details, ring the General Manager of DreamStart Homes on 6314 3444.

This privacy Policy is effective from 11 June 2024

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